What Are Those Tiny Lizards You Find Every Time You Visit Florida?

Robin Nemesszeghy
2 min readMay 12, 2022
Photo by Shelter on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what those tiny lizards are that scatter across the sidewalks when you’re on your way from the hotel to the Disney Parks in Orlando? The ones that are all over Florida? They are known as the brown anole in English, and are scientifically known as the Anolis Sagrei.

The Brown Anole

The brown anole is a lizard that is found in the southeastern United States. They are typically about 8–10 inches long, and have a variety of colors, including shades of green, brown, and gray. Brown anoles are very common in Florida, and can also be found in other states such as Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

These lizards are known for their ability to change color, depending on their surroundings. If they are in a brown area, they will typically turn brown. If they are in a green area, they will turn green. This is how they get their name — “anole” means “changeable” in Greek.

Brown anoles are not native to the United States — they are originally from Cuba and the Bahamas. However, they have become very common in many parts of Florida, especially urban areas. They are often seen on buildings, trees, and fences.

These lizards are not harmful to humans, but they can be a nuisance if they enter your home. They are known to eat insects, and can sometimes be found in kitchens and bathrooms, where they may eat small bugs. If you have a brown anole in your home, you can try to catch it and release it outside.

If you see a brown anole, you may want to take a picture! These lizards are interesting creatures, and it is always fun to see one up close.

I found one in the bathroom sink earlier today. I caught it to release it back into the wild, and it ran up my arm and onto my back. It was a fun experience!

Brown anole lizard in the sink (Photo taken by author)

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Robin Nemesszeghy

Little Red Bird, flitting around to deliver words to the page | Creative Thinker & Writer | MBTI Specialist & Personality Coach | Editor & Book Coach