The Quarry: Supermassive Games Ups Their Slasher ‘Game’ With the New and Improved Until Dawn

An honest review without spoilers

Robin Nemesszeghy


Supermassive Games’ The Quarry (

Choice-based narrative video games have come a long way since Telltale Games first released The Walking Dead in 2012. I won’t include the whole timeline here, but I will give a few honorable mentions to some great ones released at the time. The Wolf Among Us (2013) was another one good enough to see it through to a sequel. I particularly enjoyed their take on the continuation of Back to the Future (2010) from where the third movie had left it — though I am of course biased, as BTTF is my favorite set of movies of all time (though they are timeless).

Telltale Games’ Back to the Future (

Telltale Games brought us The Walking Dead exactly a decade ago. They smartly took the zombie apocalypse to new heights when it was at its peak in the market. And they did it again and again, nearly yearly, with releases like Game of Thrones (2014), Minecraft (2015), Batman (2016), Guardians of the Galaxy (2017), and so on. But parallel to Telltale’s developments, another company was out there doing its thing. And in 2015, Supermassive Games brought us Until Dawnthe slasher lover’s first…



Robin Nemesszeghy

Little Red Bird, flitting around to deliver words to the page | Creative Thinker & Writer | MBTI Specialist & Personality Coach | Editor & Book Coach