The Most Important Things to Remember When Submitting to Literary Journals and Publications

All my research on submitting compiled into one post

Robin Nemesszeghy
17 min readJan 15, 2022


Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

**Note that I use the terms publication and journal synonymously throughout this post**

Why publish in literary journals and anthologies?

Having your work published in literary journals and anthologies is the best way to become an established author — it allows you to get your name and your work out there, and it may lead to book deals when other agents, editors, and publishers stumble across your work. However, this doesn’t come overnight. It may take years to build up and get your name and work out there enough to land a full deal with a publisher. So it’s best to get started as soon as possible and keep publishing your work in journals continuously.

The more you publish, the easier it becomes to publish more. Agents and publishers are more likely to sign you, and other journals more likely to accept you (unless they are journals that specifically prioritize new writers) when they already know your work and that your work has been accepted by other publications. Your work may be readily available to them to read and they may have already read it. This gives you a great advantage when submitting…



Robin Nemesszeghy

Little Red Bird, flitting around to deliver words to the page | Creative Thinker & Writer | MBTI Specialist & Personality Coach | Editor & Book Coach