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Supermen Are Old News

We all sat on the edge of our seats in anticipation when Clark Kent grabbed the pretty Lois Lane out of the air before she fell to her almost certain death; we all watched “awww”ing as Mary Jane, drenched in rain, romantically pulled back spider man’s mask and gave him a long kiss after he had beat up the group of thugs that were after her; and how sad we were when the dark knight wasn’t able to save poor Rachel Dawes.
We all know of superman, spider man, batman…but what about the superwomen?
Superheroes are often the stars in the classic action films. In these classic tales the men go out of their way to save the women, whether successful or not. But there are tons of overlooked women heroes in film whom we miss giving credit to.
Batgirl, raised by an assassin father and discovered by Batman, is the greatest fighter ever known and very valuable to Batman’s team. Never being taught to read or speak, the parts of her brain normally used for speech are used to read people minds and determine what moves they will make before they make them.
Catwoman proves that you don’t have to be all good to make it on the list. Dark, sleek, and full of feminine charm, this half feline is not quite a hero but prone to heroic actions and a protector of abused women. Meow!