OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS: Dark Speculations: Tales of Various Shapes & Shadows Volume 2

& Volume 1 release

Robin Nemesszeghy


Volume 1 of Dark Speculations is now LIVE!

It’s available on Amazon in:

We’ve had tons of amazing feedback so far from the writers and from people who have purchased the book: how much they love the design, the interior formatting, the front cover, the wraparound cover, the artwork inside of it. We are all very happy with how it all turned out!

What do you think?

Dark Speculations: Tales of Various Shapes & Shadows Volume 1

Chris, the cover designer, did such amazing premium quality work on the cover. When you zoom in on it, you can see all these little details that look like little paper cracks are visible and make the cover look textured…how amazing is that!?



Robin Nemesszeghy

Little Red Bird, flitting around to deliver words to the page | Creative Thinker & Writer | MBTI Specialist & Personality Coach | Editor & Book Coach