Committing to the 365 Day Medium Writing Challenge When You Can’t Stick With Anything

Motivation for overcoming the plateau

Robin Nemesszeghy


Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

I have never been good with routine. So if I manage to do this, anyone can.

Growing up, my mom always told me I had been lucky I didn’t inherit her strong memory. I didn’t have her ability to only hear a lecture once and have it etched in memory straight away without picking up a pen to take a single note. Back in school, she had been one of those students who could recite back — word-for-word — what the professor taught in class. She would get straight A’s without even trying.

I, on the other hand, always studied hard to get the grades I did. I would record lectures and listen back to them at home. I would write out everything from the recording I missed in class and study it over and over until it stuck in my brain. And this took time. A lot of time.

Why did she tell me I was the lucky one?

I never understood how she could view her superpower in a negative light. Time is the most valuable thing in the world, and I spent a lot more of it. I never understood her perspective on this.

That is, until recently.



Robin Nemesszeghy

Little Red Bird, flitting around to deliver words to the page | Creative Thinker & Writer | MBTI Specialist & Personality Coach | Editor & Book Coach